N G MEDICARE & CALCUTTA HOPE INFERTILITY CLINIC has been established to satisfy the acute need in eastern India for comprehensive modern facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of Infertility. The clinic has assembled a well knit team of highly qualified and trained experts specialised in the fields of Reproductive Medicine such as Gynaecology, Andrology, Endrocrinology, Cell-Biology, Radiology, Pathology to specifically diagnose and treat Infertility. The unique services of this entire team is offered to ensure that the Hope in coming to us is amply and substantially fulfilled. The team has at their disposal a wide range of equipments backed by a full fledged Radiology and Pathology Departments as well as sterile Operation Theatre, Procedure room and Day Care beds. The Clinic is in a position to meet one of the urgent needs in these relatively new and emerging types of therapy for the Infertile couple.
N G MEDICARE & CALCUTTA HOPE INFERTILITY CLINIC has been set up in Technical collaboration with Hope Infertility Clinic. Bangalore whose promoters have pioneered many of the Medically Assisted Reproductive Technologies (MARTs) in India and have also established a good track record of offering comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for Infertility in India. The promoters of our collaborators had pioneered India's first test-tube baby in 1986 in Bombay and also introduced several new MARTs such as GIFT and oocyte donation pregnancies for the first time in India.
INFERTILITY as defined by the World Health Organisation, is the failure of a couple to procreate despite seriously attempting to do so for at least 12 months. Given this definition, Infertility afflicts nearly 20% of the couples who are seriously attempting to achieve a pregnancy. In absence of official statistics on incidence of Infertility in India the incidence can be taken to be the same for India. Of the infertile couples, by conservative estimate at least half would require some form of medical assistance.
Dr. Ashish Seal, MD is our Gynaecologist.
THE CHOICE of treatment depends on the severity and duration of Infertility. It is imperative that a comprehensive diagnosis of the cause of Infertility is made before the choice of an appropriate therapeutic modality can be made.
THERAPY includes medical treatment to reverse any metabolic or endocrine disorder or cure infections, administration of hormones and drugs to increase germ-cell production in the male and development of ovarian follicles in the female partner of the infertile couple.
DIAGNOSIS include surgical procedures, endometrial biopsy, testicular FNAC and testicular biopsy and non surgical procedures such as semenograms, semen culture, determining immunological causes of Infertility, post coital test, sperm-mucus interaction and estimating blood levels of reproductive hormones.
If THE woman fails to conceive, then the couple can be offered one of the several Medically Assisted Reproductive Technologies (MARTs) which include Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) etc. The appropriateness of a procedure can be decided on an individual couple basis.
THESE procedures are carried out in an asceptic environment and barely last an hour and the patient recovers rapidly and can go home by evening. A Day-Care Ward is provided for the patients for recovery as well.
If A patient becomes pregnant following treatment, the baby can be delivered at the hospital of your choice by your own chosen Gynaecologist.
Our clinic was established in 1995. Now we can pause and look back with satisfaction that we have been able to give Hope & Joy to several couples. We wish we could help many more.
List of services offered by us for infertility treatment are as follows :